What is the GED Preparation Academy?

ESUVCLC is an accredited school by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. The ESUVCLC GED Preparation Academy is, therefore, conducted like any other college or university program. We put students in charge of their own learning. Because the  program is computer based, students work at their own pace and can repeat lessons as needed. Students are encouraged to develop a high internal locus of control, an understanding that events result primarily from their own behavior and actions. A combination of computer-based learning, handouts, tutoring, and ongoing assessments allow students to focus on GED exam preparation more successfully.


How does the GED Preparation Academy determine personal education needs?

Our GED Preparation program offers a computer based curriculum provided by McGraw Hill. The MHC Interactive GED Program allows adult students to work at their own pace, focusing on opportunities for improvement as determined by the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE).  Based on assessment outcomes, each student is placed in an ABE or ASE class and provided with an individualized Study Plan tailored to his/her specific academic needs.


What is the difference between ABE and ASE?

Students requiring fundamental skills strengthening are assigned to an Adult Basic Education class. The ABE class helps students build a solid reading, writing and basic math skills foundation. These students work at a level and pace more suitable to their existing skills as determined by the TABE. When attendance and assessments show progress and required improvement, these students are moved into the Adult Standard Education (ASE) class. ASE students have demonstrated by their TABE scores that they are ready to undertake the MHC Interactive GED Program successfully.


What will I study in the GED Preparation Academy?

The program reflects the core subjects tested on the GED exam: Science, Social Studies, Reading, Math, and Language Arts (writing and essay). ASE students requiring critical reading and writing skills are assigned to the ASE Language Arts class. This class helps students build their reading and writing skills to the level needed to complete the essay on the GED exam. Grammar review is included in the writing process.


Is the GED Preparation Academy like high school?

The program requires you to be responsible for your own learning. To benefit from the program you will have to do more than look at the computer screen and click the mouse. You will take pretests, review your results, follow a study plan based on your pretests, view lessons, take notes, study your notes, take quizzes, unit tests, and post tests. You will review your tests and take more notes, analyze your incorrect answers and learn how to get the correct answers through critical thinking and reasoning. Do not expect to memorize problems and answers. Neither the program nor the GED exam is based on simple memorization of questions and answers.


Is computer based learning all we do in the GED Preparation Academy?

In addition to direct GED study, students are provided with financial education, career skills building, and family fitness classes provided in partnership with The WomenÕs Resource of Greater Houston, Skills For Living, and the Texas Agricultural Extension Service. The GED Preparation Academy is about more than the exam. The academy provides you with tools to improve the quality of life for you and your family. The academy provides you with the opportunity to build important critical thinking, analysis, and reasoning skills you will need in todayÕs workforce and places of higher education. If your goals include exceeding the expected in your life and work, then the GED Preparation Academy is for you.


GED Preparation Academy Procedures


1. Students will be assigned a class based on SEAT AVAILABILITY and TABE results.

2. Students will be placed on a waiting list if all seats are filled.



1. All new students MUST complete the registration and TABE testing process PRIOR to being admitted to a class. Registration does not guarantee class placement.


2. Returning students qualify for a seat by showing progress on TABE testing. Exceptions made on an individual basis as determined by the Literacy Coordinator and the Site Manager.


2. Students that miss more than three classes for unexcused reasons will be placed on probation until attendance improves (special circumstances must be discussed with the site manager for approval and documentation provided).


3. Students who are habitually more than 15 minutes late to class for unexcused reasons will be placed on probation until time management improves (special circumstances must be discussed with the site manager for approval).


4. Students on probation who do not show improvement after two weeks will meet with the Site Manager and be asked to re-enroll at another time (special circumstances must be discussed with the site manager for approval and documentation provided).


5. Students MUST sign in every class period and put the EXACT time of their arrival on the sign in sheet. This is an integrity issue and shows character and trustworthiness.


6. Students are allowed a maximum of 15 minutes for Break. Students must sign out when they go on break. They can take their break at any time needed. Student must return to the classroom on time.


7. Students must sign out every day and put the EXACT time of their leaving. Again, This is an integrity issue and shows character and trustworthiness.


8. Students who leave class early must speak with the administrative assistant or site manager prior to leaving. Not doing so will result in academic probation and/or dismissal from the program.


9. All students will receive a Study Plan worksheet every week. You will keep track of your progress on the study plan and your daily and cumulative time. These are turned in every Thursday prior to your leaving for the day.


Life Skills

1. All students are required to meet the Texas Education requirement of a Personal Finance credit.

2. All new students must attend four 1 hour Personal Finance classes.

3. All returning students must attend four 1 hour Career Skills classes.

4. All students will attend four 1 hour family fitness classes.


Computer/Internet Usage

1. Students will only use the programs and internet sites assigned to them.


2. Unauthorized site exploration, playing games, downloading programs, checking email, chatting, instant messaging, and social networking of ANY KIND will result in the student being dismissed for the day and being put on academic probation.


Classroom Conduct

1. Students must call the office if they are going to be late or miss class. Documentation must be provided for an Excused Tardy or Excused Absence. Call: 713-747-9255.


2. Drinks with lids or caps are allowed. However, open containers, food, glass, sticky candy, etc, is not allowed in the classroom.


3. Students are expected to dispose of all trash properly, including gum, wrappers, scratch paper, personal items in the restrooms, etc.


4. Students who fall asleep in class will be dismissed for the day and referred to the site manager before being allowed to return to class.


5. Students who do not show respect for the classroom, materials, technology, instructors, staff, volunteers, other students, etc, will be dismissed for the day and placed on academic probation or dismissed from the program at the discretion of the Site Manager.


6. Students are responsible for their learning progress and are expected to use class time productively following their Study Plan.


7. Students are expected to study at home and continue practicing what they study in class.


8. Students must complete a minimum of 109 hours of class time each term (exceptions made on an individual basis with site manager approval).


9. Students on probation from the courts, housing authority, and womenÕs center will be reported immediately to these agencies if they violate any of the listed requirements and procedures, resulting in academic probation and/or dismissal from the program.


10. Students attending classes for two weeks with perfect attendance are eligible for a discounted bus pass letter. Please do not ask for a letter until this requirement has been met.


11. Students must supply their own paper, pencils, highlighters and pens.


12. Students are expected to wear clothing appropriate for the learning environment. Shorts above the knee are NOT allowed. No t-shirts with vulgar, offensive, or gang related slogans, signs, or designs are allowed. No ripped jeans or pants. No Òsee throughÓ clothing is allowed - pants or shirts. Please wear clean, neat clothing that is comfortable. Please bring hygiene items if needed to Òfreshen upÓ before going to class when the weather is hot. Students will be asked to go home and change clothes if wearing inappropriate clothing to school.


REMEMBER: ESUVCLC is an accredited school by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Always conduct yourself accordingly.  You are our representatives in the community!




DAY                                             TIME                                           ROOM                                        ACTIVITY

Monday                                   9:00A-12N                              LAB/201/202                   ASE

                                                      12N-3:00P                              LAB                                              ASE

                                                      12N-2:30P                              202                                             ABE

                                                      6:00-8:30P                             201                                             ASE


Tuesday                                   9:00A-10:30A                       LAB/201/202                   ASE

                                                      12N-3:00P                              LAB                                              ASE

                                                      6:00-8:30P                             201                                             ASE

Wednesday                          9:00A-12N                              LAB/201/202                   ASE

                                                      12N-3:00P                              LAB                                              ASE

                                                      12N-2:30P                              202                           ABE

                                                      6:00-8:30P                             201                                             ASE


Thursday                                 9:00A-12N                              LAB/201/202                   ASE

                                                      12N-3:00P                              LAB                                              ASE

                                                      12N-2:30P                        202                                 ASE Language Arts

                                                      6:00-8:30P                             201                                             ASE